I finally got an NG account! I've loved this website for too long to not have one! I'm a big fan of flash movies, and I'm tired of all the mainstream anime-rippoff cartoons on TV. So I come here to watch some decent animation. 50% of the stuff on NG is better than Cartoon Network, or whatever the hell they call it, and Nickelodean (or is it Nicktoons Network?) combined. What's up with all the shitty rippoff anime? They need to start Dubbing or Subbing a few more of the 10,000 anime shows they have running in Japan. SERIOSLY! I'm done here, YAY NG!!!
P.S. W00T for the redesign. I'e neen playing this 3D Browser FPS called Phosfor-Beta. It's pretty great, I think it runs on shockwave... Here's a picture of my guy after triumphing in a high-difficulty bot match:
go fck yourself 12 year old