Just recently I has infored by my friend that a bunch of idiots were puttng stupid comments in my first journal entry. I go to check it out an it turns out, a bunch of people are actually taking time out of their day to post in a 12 yo's profile. Why?
1.Why were you in my profile? I've never made any flash, or audio, I'm just here to watch and play.
2.Why do you care? If I'm 12, then why are you talking to me?
3.Why do you tink I'm gay?I'm not gay I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.
On a second note, I'm happy to see someone had the balls to stand up to a bunch of idiots. Thank you goor sir, you deserve a cookie! and in response to the "go 2 bedd" comment, I DON'T HAVE A BEDTIME JERKOFF. And last but not least, I was on summer vacation when I wrote that. No school jackass.